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"Legacy is not
what we do

for ourselves"

The Legacy Giving Forum

You can never build an enduring Legacy by keep yourself as the focus.  Enduring Legacy is built by the giving of our Talents and our wealth to build the lives of others. 


The Legacy Forum does not do any financial advising.  But we most certainly address is detail and challenge our clients to give.  We believe there are moral and virtuous ways in which giving will enhance and build your Legacy to endure.  They are not the standard or commonly practiced ways, we have seen many of our clients give.  


We believe you can give in any way you choose.  You earned your wealth, so you have the right to use it and give it as you choose.  We will in no way discourage what you want to do, BUT, we will seek to influence you to make some changes in the way you give and to challenge you to be consistent with your values.  We believe the manner and focus of your giving reflect your values and so we often see changes when client's values are challenged, reviewed, rethought and sometimes new values are developed. 


The Legacy Forum will take 5% of our fees and give them to organizations and people we believe in and know by direct experience are involved in work that comports to our values.  We ask every client to consider doing the same.


Some of them are larger non-profits which we know spend a high percentage of our giving on direct services to the people they serve.  Others are individuals we know, who do work in places most of us will never know or visit, but we believe they are making a difference in the lives they serve.

For each individual, couple or family that participates in one of our Forums, this essential element of Legacy Building will be covered in depth.

I hope you will reach out and start a conversation with us.  That would be a wonderful privilege. 

Mark R Demos

Founder - The Legacy Forum

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The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. — Billy Graham"

© 2024 The Legacy Forum LLC

Seattle.  Dallas.  Palm Beach

The Legacy Forum is NOT a Financial Advisory Firm.

For a Confidential Conversation Call

Mark R Demos

(425) 492-4300

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