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Protecting and Building Your Legacy 

The Legacy Forum's retreat and Legacy Development programs are our primary focus.   We understand that while we are involved in Legacy Development, many issues that we look at are likely going to need attention.  Some positive and some that require immediate attention so as to help those in crisis and also to avert long-term damage to your Legacy.


The Legacy Forum offers a number of positive development options and mental health intervention programs and services.  Many times your Legacy Advisor can help you as you work through these situations, but at other times they require expert professional help. 


When expert professional help is required, we will speak with one of our extensive network of  concierge doctors, psychiatrists, licensed Professional Counselors and lawyers, as needed to manage the situation.  We have world-class network around the US and in many other countries.   

Building Legacy is also about protecting.  We are here to help you when life goes wrong either for you or your family members.

Protecting your legacy is part crisis intervention, mental health care, addiction management, succession planning, parent coaching, life coaching, values exploration and much more. 

We perform a Legacy Protection Review as part of our programs.  But if there are issues you know need immediate attention, DON'T  wait until a crisis hits but start a conversation today.  We can help you build strong for a future that is not just secure financially but people strong!

Adult Interventions for Addiction and Mental Health Issues 
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The Legacy Forum was designed for individuals to deal with important issues in a uniquely private and confidential manner.  

Many issues faced by High Net Worth families, executives, professionals, high profile people  need a higher level of confidentiality.  We understand that your personal issues could seriously affect your reputation and future, potentially hurt your company, practice, family or other public aspirations.  

The Legacy Forum offers a concierge, at-home program for the serious issues of life including; substance abuse, addiction, alcohol abuse, depression, anger, anxiety, stress overload and other issues. 

Crisis Management 

There are situations that happen that throw our worlds into chaos and potential long term danger.  Managing crisis by having someone from outside who has a clear head, can assess the situation and leverage the best resources to manage the situation can be what protects and ultimately saves your legacy.

Crisis always brings with it two options:  danger and opportunity.  The possibility of harm and the opportunity for something new and better.

When crisis come, don't wait.  Call Mark R Demos at (425) 492-4300.  Waiting or making quick decisions from a subjective and emotional mindset is not wise.  Reach out and see what we can do.

"What exhilarates you one day overwhelms you the next.  The pressure of owning a company and leading  over a hundred employees gives you a status that others envy.  Those who believe that likely haven't done it.

I found myself loving and hating what I did and who I was.  I was in control one day and doing cocaine the next to find a way to keep yesterday's high.  I had secrets no one knew.  My home life was a disaster.   I knew if I kept going too much would be at risk.  I needed a way to get help but not cause panic.  My board and my employees needed me strong and in control. 

I had worked with Mark Demos a few years back to help me through a significant loss.  I called and over the following months I made the changes I needed to.  I regained by perspective  and focused on building my life stronger than ever before."  

KR - Seattle.

The Big Questions of Life - Meaning and Purpose
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Our clients have much.  They have been places, met important people, are well known in their communities, live in beautiful homes and have lawyers and financial advisors who know them very well.  

What many lack or are searching for is a deep sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.  They have gotten or been given the things that most believe will make life make sense.  Sadly is hasn't.  There is often a quiet desperation and a need for more.

For many it is about spiritual questions of existence.  For others it is clarifying values.  For some an entirely new life pathway.

We invite you to come and explore with us.  The greatest spiritual teacher, in my opinion, once asked the question, "What will it profit a man to gain the world but lose his own soul?"

Strategic Legacy

The Legacy Forum helps you make sense of getting from here to there.

  • Legacy investing, social ventures and value volunteering.

  • Educational options and planning for children.

  • Retirement options.

  • Relationship choices and changes.

  • Parenting coaching, support and exploring options for your children's future.

  • Individuals who need to find a fresh perspective and an objective opinion to their current plans.

  • Properly designed and executed family meetings

  • Working on legacy issues related to transfer of wealth to children and philanthropy.

  • The Legacy Forum is not and does not give financial advise or offer any financial planning.  Our focus is values,  innovative thinking, clarity in confusion and long-term thinking. 

Intervention Programs for Teens and Young Adults
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There is nothing more important than our children!  Legacy is about our children, the next generation. We have been working with the children of High Net Worth families for over 25 years.  We work with young people through age 25.  

There are times when children struggle with tough issues and their lives spin out of control.  Anxiety, depression, substance abuse, running away, failure to thrive or launch and many other gut wrenching problems become overwhelming. 

Our Teen Discovery program has a long, proven track record as a concierge, in-home program to help you and your children through the toughest issues of life!

Creative and Innovative Legacy Thinking

We have worked with many clients who are looking for new opportunities for work, volunteering, vacations, family enhancement activities, relationship enrichment etc. 

Innovation and creative option thinking to make your legacy more colorful and fun is a speciality of The Legacy Forum.  Why do it like everyone else has?

We have travelled, know a lot of people from different cultures, started businesses, have a network of many creative people.  

What we have also learned is that most people have lived within their family structure or history, they have done the expected things and also they have a palate of places, people, foods, vacation spots, experiences they feel comfortable with.  

Launching To Legacy - "The Ultimate Gift"
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Based on the best-selling book "The Ultimate Gift" by Jim Stovall, the story sends trust fund baby Jason Stevens on an improbable journey of discovery, having to answer the ultimate question: "What is the relationship between wealth and happiness?"

The story revolves around an uncle "Red" who is leaving $100 million to his nephew, Jason. In order to insure his own legacy, he needs to make sure Jason is ready to inherit wealth that will build his life and not destroy it.  Red carefully plans a series of 12 experiences and tests in which he needs assurance Jason fully understands 

The Legacy Forum team has created a number of rites-of-passage experiences and profound life lessons for those who will likely inherit substantial wealth.  Each one is uniquely tailored to your individual child or young adult.

The are countless examples we all know of young lives where wealth has become a curse..  No parent works hard for the next generation to see their wealth squandered, lost or harm their children.  

There are some core lessons each life must learn and master for family legacy to be lasting and strong.  We specifically tailor these lessons to each individual.

“I believe The Ultimate Gift resonates with people around the world because it dispels the big lie our society presents that if we just had enough money, we wouldn’t have any problems. Then it goes further to pass along life lessons that are the essence of what many of us want to become and the legacy we want to leave behind.” 

Jim Stoval - The Ultimate Gift

To stand by and watch a child you love so deeply and know they possess everything, including no limits to opportunity, just  implode!  That is where my husband and I were.  We had done everything, withheld nothing, provided every advantage and still to no avail.  The guilt of seeing a child create so much madness and disruption to an entire family was beyond belief.

I have no words to say but THANK YOU to Mark and  his team.  I could sit down for days and recount the tough times and crises but having them there every step of our journey made all the difference.

Our son has returned to us.  He is now in college and making great grades, friends and even volunteering his musical talents with a program for veterans.  Thank you!

Victoria and Stanley - Palm Beach.

“I am convinced that the greatest legacy we can leave our children are happy memories: those precious moments so much like pebbles on the beach that are plucked from the white sand and placed in tiny boxes that lay undisturbed on tall shelves until one day they spill out and time repeats itself, with joy and sweet sadness, in the child now an adult." - Og Mandino.
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