Mark R Demos - Personal Advisor and Confidant

Mark R. Demos
Founder - The Legacy Forum
Personal Advisor and Confidant
Executive and life Coach
I have always been a person others come to when they had problems, faced crises, needed direction or advice in major decisions, sought clarity in times of soul searching. I started The Legacy Forum to be a place where great decisions are made, purpose examined, problems understood, personal issues addressed, ideas formulated, balance restored and hope regained.
I have worked with some of the world's wealthiest individuals and families, NFL players, AIDS orphans, young entrepreneurs, college students, single parents, many nationalities, and many more. I love people and connecting. I love talking about legacy!
My experience has been broad, deep and colorful. As a Personal Advisor and Confidant, I bring all of these talents to the relationship.
Entrepreneur and Business Owner
Executive Coach
Cricket Player and Coach
Legal and Forensic Consultant
Author "The DNA Code: The Forensics of Purpose, Passion and Performance".
Gallup StrengthsFinder - I only list these because I love the StrengthsFinder and believe their profile is accurate. My strengths: Strategic, Maximizer, Futuristic, Achiever, Activator and Ideation.
I was born and educated abroad then in the USA. I was born in a small British colony, Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. I attended a wonderful private school, St George's College, very much like the school in Harry Potter. I came to college in the USA and studied psychology, theology and political science.
I am husband to an amazing and beautiful woman I am father of three grown children who I raised. I am grandfather of three bright, engaging, energetic and incredible lives.
I am a traveler. I have been to all 50 US states and most of Canada. I have traveled through Europe on trains, planes and automobiles. I have walked, hitchhiked, driven, flown and traveled through much of Africa. I love cultures and meeting people who have different experiences to mine. I love coffee and sidewalk cafes. I love the water, especially the warm ocean. I was bitten by a shark in the Florida Keys in 2019. I am a photographer. I love dogs and have a great pup called Trax.
My life is focused on connecting with people who are serious about their lives, families and legacy.
Call me at (425) 492-4300 I would love to connect and see how we can make life deeper, richer and more filled with meaning!